
RCEM Lisfranc Poster

RCEM DVT Guideline


WCO-IOF-ESCEO Congress 2024

BASEM 2023 Patient Perspective

This statement has been written by the patient but read by an actress Your browser does not support the audio element. Transcript:  After my initial Achilles tendon rupture, the stripping operations and physiotherapy provided temporary pain relief, allowing me to be active and have some form of normality. Since increasing my walking a couple of years ago, the pain progressed; causing severe pain on using the stairs or walking for short periods. I would see temporary improvements in my symptoms when following conservative treatment plans, however since sustaining the fracture, this has been limited. I now have swelling around my Achilles and ankle all the time. My quality of life has declined significantly in the past year; especially the last 6 months. I have pain everyday, even at rest. Activities which I did with ease are now limited or no longer possible, but I am still continuing with physiotherapy exercises, and working towards weight loss goals.

BASEM 2023 Poster